Comments on: Bitcoin Recovery Services – How They Work Cyber and Cryptocurrency Intelligence Solutions Mon, 03 Jun 2024 12:10:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Admin Wed, 10 Apr 2024 14:03:11 +0000 In reply to peter bolt.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for reaching out to Cyber Intelligence Inc. with your concerns. We’re truly sorry to hear about the challenges and losses you’ve experienced in the realm of cryptocurrency transactions. The scenario you’ve described, involving unauthorized access and transactions, is unfortunately a common tactic used by fraudsters in the digital space.

At Cyber Intelligence, we specialize in cryptocurrency forensic investigations and support law enforcement and legal firms in asset recovery cases. While we do not directly recover lost funds, we provide comprehensive investigation services to trace digital assets and furnish actionable intelligence that could assist in recovering your assets through legal channels.

Given the details you’ve shared, it seems you’ve been targeted by multiple scams, and we understand the frustration and helplessness that might come with such experiences. Our team of Cryptocurrency Forensic Investigators is equipped with advanced tools and methodologies to analyze and trace cryptocurrency transactions. We work closely with law enforcement and legal entities to support cases of digital asset recovery.

To better understand your situation and explore how we might assist, we encourage a direct conversation with one of our experts. This will allow us to gather more detailed information and provide you with the appropriate guidance on the next steps. Please reach out to us at your earliest convenience via our contact details provided on our website.

Remember, at Cyber Intelligence, we are committed to offering tailored solutions and support to individuals and organizations navigating the complex landscape of cryptocurrency and digital asset recovery.

Warm regards,

The Cyber Intelligence Team

By: peter bolt Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:34:20 +0000 i have had a couple of recovery firms call me in 2020 and 2021 i bought bitcoin on line we were on the phone aswhile and we used anydesk and the guy help him self to 400 CAD and i invested in a couple other plateforms with 300 hundered each and and with in a week i couldnt get on the plateform any more now i have this james reveese calling me all the time so i talk to him he tells me he from blockchain recovery out of jp morgan he szends me some paper work about him and his boss pass port card he says i have wallet froozen if i want he can unfreeze it so go and opoen a kraken account to cvhange thye bitcoin into CAD and i have to tie it into my bank so i do he takes the money from kraken account turns it into bitcoin and takes out he says i get back to u and keep eye out for kraken email the next day i get email from kraken wonting 5000 dollars more so i go to kraken and ask them about it the next thing i know i get email from kraken and they closed my account and tell me i cant ever open another and that i cant talk to anyone there and they cant tell me why now this james got 1400 dollars of mine no kraken account so ni guess i am sol for 1400 bucks

By: PETER ROBERT BOLT Wed, 10 Apr 2024 05:00:49 +0000 In reply to Eleonora Townley.

do u have any names or some numbers they used and did they ask for money up front and what reason did they tell u why u needed money thank you

By: Admin Fri, 23 Feb 2024 06:12:34 +0000 In reply to Michael P Brown.

Dear Michael,

We’re reaching out again after carefully reviewing the details you’ve shared with us about your experiences. It’s clear you’ve encountered a series of deeply troubling events, from potential scams and hacking to concerns about identity theft and personal security. We understand how complex and distressing this situation must be for you.

We’ve noticed that we only have your email address and haven’t received a response from you through this channel. We want to assure you that our team at Cyber Intelligence is committed to offering you the support and expertise you need to navigate through these challenges.

Given the severity of the issues you’ve described, including your initial investment and subsequent fraudulent activities, we strongly believe that a professional consultation could provide you with clarity and a path forward. Our specialists in cryptocurrency fraud and recovery have the experience and resources to potentially assist in the recovery process and advise on securing your digital assets.

We understand if email communication isn’t your preferred method or if concerns about security have made you hesitant to respond. We encourage you to reach out to us in the way that feels most secure and convenient for you. Whether that’s through a different email address, a secure messaging service, or another method you prefer, our priority is to ensure your comfort and confidentiality throughout this process.

Your case is important to us, and we’re here to listen and provide the professional guidance you need. Please let us know the best way to reach you or consider reaching back to us at your earliest convenience. Our goal is to support you in addressing and overcoming the challenges you’ve faced.

We’re here for you, Michael. Looking forward to your response.

Warm regards,
Cyber Intelligence Inc.

By: Michael P Brown Fri, 23 Feb 2024 02:13:34 +0000 A long time ago I had a binary app running in an account in London England.This was through Imperial Options. At the time I was using my Master Card with Canadian Tire. The broker took $5,000 USA and bought one of the 1st bitcoin ever.When I tried to form an ID package to access the bitcoin, I was hacked. Had very little to no security on my old laptop. Was also using my E mail address of Brownmike72at the time .That Email is now been hacked and sold on line several times. I f you want to catch a bunch of child porn people get a really good amount of security before you go there. I have notified the Vancouver police and the FBI and even the NSA in the USA .The people using this address are quite evil to say the least! Several years later I got a message supossedly from the English, FCA saying that they had recovered my bitcoin. It was .9 of a bitcoin worth about $70,000 Canadian at that time. They said they needed a Google Authentication app and when I sent them $3000 Canadian for the protection package, they would send me the $70,000 . There’s more to this story

By: Admin Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:01:23 +0000 In reply to Kaiposu Tukteata.

Dear Kaiposu,

Thank you for reaching out to Cyber Intelligence regarding your situation. We understand the challenges faced after being scammed, and we’re here to offer guidance.

Given the details of your case, we recommend taking the following steps:

1. Report the Scam: Contact your local law enforcement or financial fraud authority in Papua New Guinea to report the scam. Providing them with all the information and documentation related to your case is crucial.

2. Secure Your Information: Ensure that your personal and financial information is secure to prevent further unauthorized access or loss.

3. Monitor Your Accounts: Keep a close eye on your financial accounts for any unusual activity and consider changing passwords for your online accounts.

While Cyber Intelligence specializes in assisting with cases involving significant losses, we encourage you to take these immediate actions. Should your situation change or if you have other cases meeting our criteria, please don’t hesitate to reach out again.


The Cyber Intelligence Team

By: Kaiposu Tukteata Wed, 14 Feb 2024 07:14:28 +0000 I was scammed by three platforms. I invested a total amount of K1400.00. I have not recieved any profits at all.
Can I bee assisted in recovering my loss?
I am from Papua New Guinea.

By: Admin Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:21:31 +0000 In reply to ThomScott.

Thank you for reaching out to us at Cyber Intelligence with your concerns. We understand the distress and confusion that comes with being a victim of a scam, especially one that involves substantial financial implications and misrepresentation.

Given the complexity of your situation, we strongly recommend scheduling a free consultation with our team to discuss your case in more detail. This will allow us to better understand the specifics of your situation and advise you on the potential steps we can take together.

Please visit our consultation page at to schedule a time that works for you. Once scheduled, one of our certified cyber investigators will be in touch to provide you with personalized assistance.

We look forward to helping you uncover the truth and exploring the options available to you in this challenging situation.

Best regards,
Cyber Intelligence Team

By: ThomScott Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:06:25 +0000 Well I have been scammed by someone posing as the president saying he needed it for stimulus money and I hade a lawsuit with a certain cell phone company the lawsuit sead I wouse to get 60millon well the person how sead he wouse the president took it once a Gen and sead he needed it for stimulus even if it was the president i dont think he should be able to taken it sence i got it granted to me from a lawsuit can u help find out the truth behind the scams please think u

By: Admin Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:04:10 +0000 In reply to Eleonora Townley.

Dear Eleonora,

We’re truly sorry to hear about your experience with both the initial Bitcoin scam and the subsequent fake recovery attempt. It’s unfortunate to be victimized twice in such a manner. We recommend approaching any recovery service with caution, ensuring they have verifiable credentials and a track record of legitimate service. It’s important to check for signs of credibility like physical presence, proper contact channels, and professional affiliations.

Cyber Intelligence distinguishes itself from typical recovery companies and scams by specializing in tracing services for significant scam cases, rather than promising direct recovery of lost assets. We focus on gathering actionable intelligence to trace the movement of cryptocurrencies involved in scams. This methodical approach, backed by our team’s expertise in cyber intelligence and asset tracing, is designed to assist law enforcement and legal professionals in their investigations, thereby increasing the chances of recovering assets for victims who have suffered substantial losses due to cryptocurrency scams.

Should you wish to explore our services further, we invite you to arrange a complimentary consultation with us.
