Asset Recovery

Harnessing intelligence-based Asset Recovery, Cyber Intelligence equips law enforcement and law firms with the evidence they need to achieve successful fund recovery.

With our expertise and experience, we have been instrumental in recovering funds lost through Bank Transfers or Cryptocurrency transactions.

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Asset Recovery

Also known as fund recovery, requires experience and expertise. We have a top-notch record assisting law enforcement and law firms to recover funds that were sent with the following methods:

Bank Wire Tracing

Our team of international banking experts offers a service to accurately trace the movement of funds. Each jurisdiction presents its unique challenges, but with our innovative fund tracing service and a network of lawyers worldwide, Cyber Intelligence can assist not only with your local bank but also apply pressure on the beneficiary bank and company that received the funds.

Cryptocurrency Tracing

We trace and provide evidence for a range of Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, among others. Our Investigations Team, led by Roman Garcia, tracks down the owners once the Cryptocurrency is traced to the last Wallet before being exchanged for Fiat Currency, thereby enabling the recovery of your funds.

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Fund Recovery

There is no substitute for experience and expertise. Cyber Intelligence offers bespoke solutions tailored to the unique needs of your case. We understand that no two cases are exactly the same, and they should not be treated as such. That’s why every case requiring fund recovery assistance is individually evaluated. We provide specific investigative services for each case to offer crucial evidence and aid both law enforcement and law firms in their efforts to recover funds.


Contact Us

Alchemy Building Lincoln Science And Innovation Park, Poplar Avenue, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 7GZ

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